Game Over, Retry?

July 8, 2024

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post, not for lack of wanting to, but life got in the way.

Between tank installations, supply chain delays, new beers, illness within the family, and my other job, it’s been a very hectic few months…with that said I wanted to give you all a little update on things here.

New Releases

About those new beers - we launched Game Over, Retry? In May.  

“Embark on a quest with “Game Over, Retry?” - a bold Extra Pale Ale at 4.2%, infused with Columbus, Simcoe, and Centennial hops. This brew is a call to adventure, offering a fresh start with every sip. Press play on flavour, are you ready for the next round?”
Label Artwork for Game Over, Retry? Artwork by Warren Curry

All American Hop bill, emphasis on Simcoe throughout.

For this brew, we switched to Muntons Malt and Simpsons Malts via GetErBrewed — a move I’ll continue with in future releases!

We tried a new yeast (to us) from WHC Labs called 'Mango Madness'. Although we typically use liquid yeast, we wanted to use this as a benchmark for profiles.

This is a sessionable beer, full of mango and guava on the nose with a super soft mouthfeel and dry subtle bitter finish.

Salty Buoy has the last of the cans, which are available here

Game Over, Retry? by the farm

We collaborated with Out Of Office, and Katie, their head brewer, asked if we wanted to collaborate and host Beer Club. We enthusiastically said yes!

Katie has been a strong advocate for us and everyone in the NI beer scene. She’s constantly working to shift the conversation about beer in Northern Ireland.

Follow her Instagram page for pictures of beers, animals and gigs!

Anyway, back to the beer, “Wannabe Blogger” a 4% Blackberry& Vanilla sour!

Just look at that colour!

This was a significant learning experience for us—we’ve never brewed a sour, let alone a kettle sour at this scale. It’s a very limited keg run, and if there are any left, you can find them at the OOO Taproom.

Artwork for Wannabe Blogger - Artwork by Warren Curry


We launched “Wannabe Blogger” at June’s Beer Club, I think I am the first two-time co-host?!

We had a great time, chatting about our beers as well as explaining how Tilt & Pour came about and what we hope to do!

Helles, Game Over, Retry?, Wannabe Blogger & If This, Then That (YES you read that correctly) were all showcased!

Almost all the beers to date...

In April we were also fortunate enough to host a Beer & Cheese night at Kinedale Donkeys.

Wonkey Donkey is a collaborative event involving Kinedale Donkeys, Indie Fude, and a brewer/beer theme each month.

I opted for a Taste of NI approach, featuring beers from Modest Beer, Heaney, Boundary, Bullhouse, and our own. With each beer telling its own story as well as insight to their local producers.

These were paired with exquisite cheeses from across Ireland, now the reality is, we all played second fiddle to the stars of the evening…Robert’s donkeys on the farm.

Robert puts these events on once a month, this month he will have Declan from Otterbank down so be sure to check out if you can get a ticket!

We also took part of Retail NI's Showcase at Titanic Quarter late February and Portadown Rugby Club's annual Craft Beer Fest in May!

Taken at Wonkey Donkey at Kinedale Donkey's

Business update

As I approach the end of the second year in business, it has been a real eye-opener. I am incredibly thankful to each and every one of you who has supported me thus far! Our tank has been commissioned, and all systems are go after the summer break.

We continuously strive to be as accessible to our customers as possible, focusing on taste and price. Working closely with our suppliers, we uphold our core values. Warren, our talented designer, has been creating fantastic artwork for our recent releases, and we’re making small refinements for future brews.

By the way, Warren is getting married later this year!

About those new releases? Well, you’ll have to wait a little while longer!

What's in the sight glass? hmmmm

A little break....

I am now heading for an actual holiday, Warren’s stag do last weekend doesn’t count as a break as I am still recovering atm.

I will be back on the 16th July after a few siesta’s with more news on more beer….

My Out Of Office is truly on now, Cheers!

Steven Barr

Love Gifs & taking snaps of beers....

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